MARKET UPDATE – Sector Divergence Remains in Focus

MARKET UPDATE – Sector Divergence Remains in Focus

The past year has brought not only huge market swings between risk-on and risk-off phases but also a staggering divergence of returns between regions and investment styles. In equities, much of this can be explained by sector performance. The outlook for inflation is...
Get Ready for the Consumer Boom

Get Ready for the Consumer Boom

It is sometimes said that economists add a decimal point to their forecasts to show they have a sense of humour. But in truth, despite being an inexact science at the best of times, economic data is routinely accepted as an accurate measure of the economy. This is...
MARKET UPDATE – Cautious Optimism for 2021 after a Turbulent 2020

MARKET UPDATE – Cautious Optimism for 2021 after a Turbulent 2020

Describing 2020 as a roller coaster ride for investors does not do justice to the unprecedented series of events ushered in by the pandemic and the lockdowns across the world. Although many markets sold off steeply into bear market territory as the pandemic escalated...
The best way for Brits to bring lump sums into France from the UK

The best way for Brits to bring lump sums into France from the UK

Daniel Butcher, an expert financial adviser to expats, offers essential advice to Brits moving to France. With 2021 around the corner and the Brexit transition deadline of 31 December 2020 approaching fast, what is the best way to bring lump sums from the UK into...